Dr Jo Burrell and Dr Felicity Baker join Lucinda Carney from HR Uprising, for a timely discussion about resilience, the benefits of supervision for people professionals, and how we should think about reflection and supervision in terms of maximising our own resilience in these challenging times.
Key takaways:
People professionals are often the ones that workforces approach when they experience difficulties, but the support is not always there for the HR professionals themselves.
Other professionals benefit from proper supervision – why not HR?
HR professionals are restricted by a certain number of boundaries, and as such, may find that they are not able to access the resources required to deal with a given situation.
If you don’t take time out to reflect and process, to make sense of difficult experiences, then we tend to take the problems home with us. This makes recovery almost impossible.
Success and productivity are often based purely upon hitting targets and reaching goals. But for our own wellbeing, we need regular times for reflection and perspective.
To find out more, click here to listen to the full podcast.

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