"New Gallup data shows that workplace loneliness is on the rise and likely impacting the wellbeing, engagement and performance levels of employees. Some organisations may see this as an excuse to jump on the ‘return to office’ bandwagon, but confronting this issue will require a far more culture-enriching, data-informed approach."
Dr Jo Burrell contributes to this article in HR Zone Magazine responding to the recent data that 20% of workers are lonely.
With contributions from Gethin Nadin, Chief Innovation Officer, Benefex, Charlie O’Brien, Head of People at Breathe, Claire Shrewsbury, Director of Insights & Innovation and Chair of WRAP’s FREDIE network, the article provides some useful insights and steps that can be taken to overcome the problem of loneliness at work including:
Gathering data to understand the scale of the problem in your organisation
Designing targeted initiatives that will improve the situation for those struggling.
Empowering managers to influence culture and enourage improved connection and relationship building.
Encouraging curiousity and interest amongst colleagues to further faciliate the development of strong social bonds increase motivation to make space for each other through shared interests and experiences.
